It was all to be a surprise, and I left the ordering till late, not able to decide if Dee would like the ring just because I did. And I couldn't size it properly because she'd have awkward questions if I tried to. And at the last minute I changed my mind about where to have it delivered in case Dee was home and I wasn't and she might have even more awkward questions.
All of this Louise and Charlotte dealt with, kept me informed and did everything they could to accommodate me. The ring arrived on time, in the right place, a few days before the scheduled trip to Australia, and the proposal.
I fell in love with the ring straight away, it was simple, elegant and beautiful (like Dee herself, of course, although a bit less of the simple, perhaps). But that was less than half the battle, and I still didn’t know if it would fit - it didn’t make it on to my little finger, and whilst Dee is slim and elegant, as mentioned, she is still a similar size to me (also slim and elegant, obviously).
We eventually landed in the Whitsundays, the perfect setting, the time was right and I’d been surreptitiously holding hands with my hopefully-soon-to-be, measuring my little sausage finger against her wedding finger, and they were about the same size. Disaster, it wasn't going to fit. But it was hot in the Whitsundays, and her fingers were swollen, so ... maybe... I made her drink two tall glasses of gin and tonic with lots of ice, prior to THE walk in an effort to de-swell her hands.
The spot chosen, the proposal proposed, answered with a ‘what did you say?’ - the proposal proposed a second time, the jaw dropped, the tears, the ‘shouldn’t you be down on one knee’, oh yeah... and I tried to slip the ring on, and it went so far, and then a little push and on it went completely, if more than a little tight. But grand, altogether.
Anyway, it fit. More importantly she accepted. And she loves the ring, as do her friends and family and everyone who sees it. It really is quite unique and a work of art, and now we’re back in Ireland it fits properly as well. All good. It all worked out beautifully in the end, in no small way to the efforts of the girls at Eco Wood Rings and the makers of this fabulous ring.
Thank you.
Paul Keogh